
LCYDESIGN delivers high-quality consultancies

By evaluating, planning, designing, and analyzing the context of each site, LCYDESIGN offers high-quality consultancies to developers and landowners to maximum values of their properties.

Facing the complexity of project nature, LCYDESIGN liaises and cooperate on a matter of mutual concern among stakeholders. We give advices and full range of property development options to cope with the complication of multiple parties, such as government institutions, corporate occupiers, and private landowners on any possible site constraints.

LCYDESIGN collaborates closely with external advisers and professionals to manage projects no matter on residential, commercial, institutional, or multi-use purposes. We monitor a project according to its viability from commencement to completion.

Targeted projects:

Evaluation and assessment on initial design scheme and property value

Adding values to exisiting properties
Alteration and Addition works (A&A)
Consultancy on project budget

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